How Does PRP Therapy Work For Hair Restoration?

At some point in our lives, we may notice thinning hair or hair loss. This is often a result of many things, such as genetics or aging, as the hair follicles weaken and produce less robust hair. For those seeking a non-surgical solution, PRP therapy can provide a practical option. PRP is a safe and effective treatment for both men and women experiencing hair loss. PRP, or platelet-rich plasma, is produced from the patient’s own blood and injected into the scalp to stimulate the weakened follicles, resulting in thicker and fuller hair growth. 

At Proper EU Medical and Aesthetics Center in Caledonia, MI, we offer PRP treatments for hair restoration for those seeking an alternative to surgery. Many patients have seen significant improvement in their hair’s health and appearance after just a few treatments – and because it uses the patient’s own blood, there is no risk of allergic reaction or rejection. If you’re tired of thinning or lackluster hair, consider PRP therapy with us. 

The Causes of Hair Loss

Hair loss can have a variety of causes, including genetics, illness, and hormonal changes. In some cases, hair loss may also be a side effect of certain medications. However, for many individuals suffering from hair loss, the leading cause is believed to be a decrease in blood flow to the scalp. This reduced blood flow can lead to decreased nutrient and oxygen delivery to hair follicles, leading to thinning or complete hair loss.

What is PRP?

Also referred to as platelet-rich plasma therapy, PRP therapy is a regenerative medicine used for various issues, such as joint pain, hair loss, and facial rejuvenation. Our blood contains platelets, which are responsible for healing wounds and stimulating tissue repair. During a PRP treatment, a small amount of the patient’s blood is drawn and placed in a centrifuge to concentrate and separate the platelets. This concentrated solution is then injected into the affected area – in this case, the scalp – to promote healing and regeneration.

How Does PRP Work for Hair Restoration?

PRP, or Platelet-Rich Plasma therapy, is becoming a popular option for hair restoration. But how exactly does it work? PRP involves extracting a small amount of the patient’s blood and separating the platelets and growth factors in a centrifuge. These concentrated platelets are then injected into the scalp, releasing growth factors that stimulate hair follicles to enter the growth phase. The result is thicker, healthier-looking hair. PRP can also be combined with other hair restoration procedures, such as transplants, for even better results. Overall, PRP therapy is a safe and non-surgical option for those looking to improve their hair health and restore thinning or balding areas of the scalp.

Advantages of PRP Therapy for Hair Restoration

PRP, or platelet-rich plasma therapy, has become increasingly popular for hair restoration. It provides many benefits, such as: 

Improvement of Scalp Health

In addition to promoting hair restoration, PRP can improve overall scalp health by increasing blood flow and promoting healthy cell growth.

More Natural Results

PRP therapy can also provide more natural-looking results than other hair loss treatments. This is because PRP therapy uses the patient’s own blood to stimulate hair growth so that the new hair will match the patient’s existing hair in color and texture.

Fewer Side Effects

PRP therapy for hair restoration has fewer side effects than other hair loss treatments, such as hair transplants and medications. PRP therapy is a minimally invasive procedure using the patient’s blood to stimulate hair growth. The side effects of PRP therapy are typically mild and temporary, such as bruising or swelling at the injection site.

Safe and Minimally Invasive

PRP therapy is an excellent option for those looking to restore their hair in a safe and minimally invasive manner. PRP for hair restoration involves injecting a concentration of growth factors and healing proteins derived from the patient’s blood into their scalp to stimulate hair growth.

What Happens During PRP Therapy for Hair Restoration

The first step in this process is a consultation with our team, during which we will assess your hair concerns and develop a personalized treatment plan. As for the actual treatment, PRP is isolated from a sample of your blood and prepared into an injectable form. These injections are administered strategically on the scalp to promote hair growth and thickness. PRP injections are a safe and effective option for natural and long-lasting results. Schedule your consultation today to see if PRP could be the right solution for you.


While undergoing platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy for hair loss, patience is critical. While receiving multiple treatments for the best results is recommended, you may notice improvements within several weeks of starting your PRP journey. However, it’s important to remember that the growth process does take time, so tracking your progress with weekly photos of the treatment area can help keep you motivated. Remember to follow your healthcare provider’s instructions and be patient with the process – before long, you’ll be able to see the results for yourself.

Try PRP Therapy for Hair Restoration 

PRP therapy may be the solution for you if you’re experiencing hair loss or thinning hair. PRP therapy has been used in various medical fields for years, including orthopedics and cosmetic procedures, but only recently has it been utilized for hair restoration. At Proper EU Medical & Aesthetics Center in Caledonia, MI, we are proud to offer this cutting-edge treatment to our patients in Caledonia, Grand Rapids, Lansing, and Kalamazoo. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about PRP for hair restoration.

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